
Monday, 30 March 2015

H&M Nail Polishes

I wanted to tell you all about two nail polishes I picked up a while ago because they are just so fab! I picked up ‘Did I tell you’ which is a clear polish with large bits of blue glitter in and ‘Serenity now’ which is a beautiful opaque royal blue.

What I loveee about these polishes are they are really great quality for £2.99 each. I like to apply two coats of ‘Serenity now’ with a coat of ‘Did I tell you’ over the top. The glitter adds a party vibe but the blue on its own is versatile for every occasion.

I’ve been going through my nail polishes just recently and decided to get back into wearing them. There are just so many pretty colours for this time of year. What is you go-to Spring shade? Helen xxx

Friday, 27 March 2015

Collective Haul // Clothing, Homeware, Sportswear, Books, Stationery etc.

This is one of those posts that I kept wanting to post but never getting round to and then more stuff from shopping trips started accumulating. So instead of lots of mini haul posts I thought I would share one big one. There’s a mixture of genres so there is something for everyone.

Before launching right into the photos I thought I would explain a couple of my purchases. I have been attending a yoga and relaxation class with my Mum for a number of years and wanted to update my equipment. There was a good sale at Sports Direct earlier in the year so I stocked up on a new yoga mat, yoga mat bag, sports bag and a sports drink bottle.

After viewing Essie Buttons Bookshelf YouTube video on ‘Yes Please’ by Amy Poeler I went ahead and purchased a couple of books from amazon. This book has been on so many blogs and thought I would start reading it myself. So far it’s pretty good and I am enjoying it :-)

So what have you been buying lately? Any trips to Primark or are there any other shops or products I should know about? Best wishes, helen xxx

Nautical knit top £6.00
Navy knit top £6.00
Pack of five socks £2.50
Pack of two thermal socks £2.50
Neon Bow slippers £3.00
Body puff £1.00
Grey fleece blanket £3.00

Sports Direct
Nike graphic gym bag in berry £6.00 (SALE)
Yoga mad warrior mat in blue £13.99 (SALE) (BUY)

Yoga mad mat bag 53 in blue £10.00 (SALE) (BUY)
Nike water bottle £4.29 (SALE) (BUY)

It Felt like A Kiss by Sarra Manning £3.85 (BUY)
Yes Please by Amy Poehler £11.89 (BUY)
#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso £7.49 (BUY)

Glamour Fifty Shades limited edition magazine £2.00
Look Magazine February £1.80

Turquoise Floral Bird A5 notebook £5.59 (BUY)
Melodie Floral Bird mini notebooks 3pack £3.49 (BUY)

Store Twenty One
Buddha Ornament £1.50 (SALE)
Cherub ornament £1.99 (SALE)

Thursday, 12 March 2015

No7 Melting Gel Cleanser £9.50

I’ve been trying out lots of different No7 products now for over about a year or so. At Christmas I bought the No7 advent calendar and that allowed me to test some of their makeup and skincare in sample minis. Also at Christmas and on my birthday I got some No7 bits. I love there beautiful Skin night cream it’s my holy grail item. From the advent calendar I’ve been getting into their lip crayons and other things too.

I really wanted to like the melting gel cleanser but it just didn’t work with my skin as I had hoped. I was expecting big things from the hoo-ha from bloggers about this product but unfortunately was left feeling disappointed. When investing in any skincare it’s always a risk to see if your skin will react well to it.

I found the consistency quite nice but the smell wasn’t to my liking. It wasn’t refreshing instead more soapy and unappealing. My skin didn’t feel particularly different after using the product. I felt I was just using soap even thought I was using a posh skincare product.

My skin had a minor reaction to it unfortunately. I found a day after use small imperfections/bumps sometimes formed around where I had used the product. This might not be true for everyone but it was the deciding factor for me to discard the product.

Have you tried the melting gel cleanser or any other No7 products? What were your thoughts? Xx