
Monday, 19 November 2018

The Runcible Spoon Café Review and Tour

Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Today I’m back with a review of a café we visited back in the summer when visiting the Runswick Bay area. My Mum did some research into the most popular local cafes to visit and The Runcible Spoon came up. It’s located in Hinderwell and I have a lot of positive things to say about it.

There was a lovely, welcoming atmosphere to the café and it also had a lot of character. If you are a bookworm, I recommend you visit as they have an extensive book selection where all proceeds go to charity. They have some fascinating vintage books too!

I had an unusual fruit smoothie, which was refreshing and lovely. My Mum treated herself to an ice-cream while I think my Dad had a scone. They had a pot of tea I think too. We sat by the window just by the bigger book case. The service was great and we enjoyed out visit, it was one of the things that made our holiday. I imagine it would be so cosy to visit in A/W too!

Does this café seem appealing to you too? 
Do you have any café recommendations? :-) Xx

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