
Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Autumnal Baking: Rhubarb Crumble

Crumbles are perfect for this time of year, and one of my favourites to bake as well as eat. If you want to get into the spirit of baking this autumn, a crumble is a good place to start as there is not a lot of preparation.

I’ve been growing my own rhubarb over the summer for the first time, and decided to use it here. You can add so many types of fruit to a crumble, and it you are trying to more economical there’s nothing stopping you using either bought or canned fruit.

This dish went down well in our family.

Let me know what your favourite crumble filling is!! :-) Xx


  1. This looks and sounds delicious Helen. We have a rhubarb growing in our garden so this would be the perfect way to try it out.

    1. Hi Kim :-) Hope you are well. This year was my first attempt at growing rhubarb, and I found it surprisingly straight-forward. I was so pleased to hear you have been growing some too. The crumble was rather tasty, and comforting for this time of year. Let me know how you get on with your rhubarb. Thanks for stopping by. Xx

  2. Oh a crumble does sound fantastic and I would eat it for breakfast or as dessert with ice cream. Funnily rhubarb is a spring thing for me and not so much a fall choice.

    1. Hi Tobia :-) Nice to hear from you. I’ve never tried crumble for breakfast but it seems like a good idea. I’m unsure of what time of year rhubarb is seasonally appropriate, but because I’ve been growing it, it seems to be ready to eat early autumn. I see where you are coming from though with your thoughts. Lovely of you to visit. :-) Xx
