
Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Hygge Activities for Springtime

Spring is almost upon us, look to nature for the clues...

The Spring Equinox Definition: 

'20th March 2021.' 

'Spring Equinox celebrates the renewed life of the Earth 
that comes with the Spring. It is a solar festival, celebrated 
when the length of the day and the night are equal 
(this happens twice a year, at Spring and Autumn Equinox).'

Hygge isn’t just for winter it can be practiced all year through... 

Hygge Definition:
'A quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that 
engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being 
(regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture)'

Tips & Ideas for Things to Do:

1.) Create a spring baking/cooking bucket list on Pinterest. You don’t necessarily
   have to include unhealthy recipes as there’s all sorts of themed ideas.

Photos above found on Pinterest.

2.) Plant some seeds in your garden. March/April is a good time to plant 
poppy, sunflower or cosmos seeds.

3.) Photograph the daffodils whether in your garden or while out on a walk.

4.) Have a springtime afternoon tea; you could make your own using 
triangle sandwiches and homemade cake.

5.) Cut some flowers from outside and put them in a vase, 
somewhere you will see them every day.

6.) Have a hygge spring clean. Put on some lovely music, and dust, organize, etc.

7.) Collect easter cards from previous years, you can cut them up and make recycled 
designs. Other crafts you could try include sewing or painting.

8.) Jigsaws can be very hygge, do a little work on one every day. Look 
out for seasonal designs like cottage gardens or easter chicks.

Which of these tips do you think you might try?
Does the ‘hygge’ lifestyle appeal to you? :-) Xx


  1. Now this is my kind of blog post!

    Danielle xx

    1. That’s very nice of you to say, thank you! :-) Xx

  2. Great tips ideas for spring. will try my hand at growing some seedlings, collect pussy willows for decorating . Hope you have wonderful spring too!

    1. Thanks so much! Let me know if you plant some seeds. Happy spring and easter! :-) Xx
