
Saturday, 18 December 2021

Green Christmas Ideas + A Book Review


I’ve been reading a really interesting book called The Christmas book by Sheherazade Goldsmith. I was impressed with the authors ideas, and would recommend the book to those who would like a simpler, greener Christmas. Being more eco-friendly was at the heart of the book. The pages are beautifully presented and I came away with some valuable inspiration.

I jotted down some of my favourite ideas that I would like to try for myself:

Plant A Winter Garden. 

“Scented plants, and scrubs with richly coloured berries and leaves keep 
a garden looking interesting during the long winter months.”

I liked this idea because it’s outdoors, and just shows you can garden any time of the year!

Gift Plant Cuttings.

“Cuttings taken from your favourite plants and potted up as
 gifts in decorated pots will always be appreciated.”

I would be really pleased to receive this as a gift, and it’s one of the best eco-friendly options.

Make Pot Pourri.

“Delicately scented rooms are somehow more inviting, and the 
subtly uplifting aroma of a pot pourri will make the home seem cosier.”

I’ve never made pot pourri but I would love to try.

Make Edible Bird Decorations. 

“A garden full of wildlife is always uplifting sight on a winter’s day.”

I love this idea and would get enjoyment from seeing the birds.

Make Natural Christmas Cards.

The author gives some examples of cards you can make using natural materials. She uses cinnamon sticks, dried orange slices, etc. It’s possible to make really effective designs relatively easily. I already make cards, using mostly recycled or gifted materials but I have found some new ideas here. If you are all set for cards now, you could make something similar in the form of gift tags.

This is one of the best eco-friendly related Christmas books I have come across, as it’s a comprehensive guide, focusing on activities, making things for yourself, and getting outdoors.

I had a go at making my own Christmas crackers, as I wanted to cut down on excess packaging and plastic. These ones were very simple to make, I used toilet rolls, recyclable paper, left-over ribbon, and a few stickers. Inside each I included a riddle and a Christmassy question.

Let me know if you are opting for a greener Christmas. 
I would love to hear if you have any ideas or traditions.


  1. These are so sweet!

    Danielle |

    1. Thank you, I enjoyed making them! :-D x
