
Saturday, 12 February 2022

Magazine Review #1 (Teen Breathe)


Name of magazine

Teen Breathe (Issue 6)

Who is it aimed at?

As the name would suggest it’s aimed at teens, so 13-19 
year old’s. But I am an adult and got some enjoyment out of it.

The slogan

Be inspired, be brave, be kind, be yourself. I really like 
this, and it was what made me pick it up to read.

What the magazine aims to achieve

As the slogan mentions, it encourages teens to be brave, kind, inspired and yourself. I can see a lot of parents buying this magazine for their children because of the positive values. Some of the topics include mental health, and career goals.

Favourite articles

The don’t be sorry article struck a chord with me, talking about how we say sorry when really, we don’t need to but it’s a very British thing. It gives tips for ways to take a different viewpoint in communication.

The sense and sensitivity article talks about how sensitivity can be a gift. I’ve read a little a bit about this subject before but it covers some good starting points if you are interested to learn.

Further notes

The illustrations are absolutely stunning, particularly the ones on the front cover. I think Teen Breathe is still running, if you are interested in picking up a copy. They also have an adult version which is called Breathe.

Would I buy another copy?

It’s a possibility, but I have lots of other magazines I want to try. I’m curious about trying Breathe, aimed at adults. If you are after buying this magazine, I would try eBay, a good newsagent, WHSmith’s or supermarkets.

Do you read many magazines?
Do you have any recommendations for me? :-) Xx


  1. It looks great!

    Danielle |
