Hi - how are you all doing? Today I’m back with another autumnal baking post. So let me first describe the dish I created… Apple crisp pudding is a bit like a crumble, but with a bread topping. I was inspired by the original recipe called peach crisp from The Hungry Student Easy Baking book by Charlotte Pike. (Link to baking book mentioned here). As I didn’t have any peaches and with being lucky with a good batch of apples from our apple tree this year I baked with those.

This dish is so warming and comforting on cold autumnal days and there’s not a great deal of preparation. Cut and prep the apples, place them into a dish then sprinkle a bit of sugar for sweetness. Next layer some bread slices (with the crusts already cut off). Pour a mixture of melted butter, and spices over the top and pop in the oven. Afterwards I baked some apples and placed them on top for decorative purposes. You can use any fruit and type of bread to create something similar. This is a healthy yet lovely bake which can be adapted how you wish.
Let me know if this is something you would try.
Wishing you all a great Halloween for tomorrow! :-) Xx